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May Day

May Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

May Day occurs on 1 May each year and is a holiday that celebrates the rights and contributions of workers in Sweden. The holiday also coincides with the Mass of Saint Walburga, also referred to as Walpurgis Night, which falls on the night of 30 April.

20251 MayThuMay Day
20261 MayFriMay Day
20271 MaySatMay Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Many of the ceremonies that have emerged in Sweden on this day stem from the centuries-old, traditional May Day celebrations related to the celebration of spring and the rebirth taking place in nature.

In the modern era, the first of May has been celebrated in several ways since the 19th century. In the early part of the 19th century, it was a huge and popular festival hosted in Djurgarden Park that featured a royal procession. However, by the end of the 19th century, it turned more into a rally of industrial workers.

Many people to use this holiday to arrange peaceful protests and demonstrations about worker’s rights. These are often held outside of government buildings, or even down main town streets. In Stockholm during this time, you are likely going to encounter marchers throughout the city waving banners.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedMay Day
20231 MayMonMay Day